**This is an old revision of the document!** ----
====== Etherboot Project To Do List ====== The purpose of this page is to put things we'd like to see done so they don't get lost. ===== gPXE-related tasks ===== ---- ==== To Do ==== ---- * [mdc] Survey gPXE contrib directory * Identify things that can be removed or moved to the project wiki * If anything is deleted, copy it to the wiki so the content can be found * For documentation-only contrib items, make a wiki page with appropriate comments * Determine any reasonable code in contrib, and discuss with staging@etherboot.org possible disposition. ---- ==== Done ==== ---- * [rwcr] [[.:audit-the-shifts|Audit the use of << and >> operators in the gPXE codebase.]] \\ Completed by rwcr on 2009-09-10. Thanks rwcr! karma++; ---- ===== Documentation-related tasks ===== ---- ==== To Do ==== ---- ---- ==== Done ==== ---- ===== rom-o-matic.net-related tasks ===== ==== To Do ==== ---- ==== Done ==== ---- ===== Un-categorized tasks ===== ==== To Do ==== ---- ==== Done ==== ----