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====== Talks & Papers ====== Members of the Etherboot Project have made regular appearances at various conferences and trade shows, given talks, and submitted papers. This page links to some of those events and papers. They provide an overview of our project and our software. ===== Videos ===== * [[http://www.motionbox.com/videos/7a96d3b21e17ecc4f5|September 2009 LinuxCon Tutorial "Recent Advances in Network Booting"]] Marty Connor * [[http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1911723796712805715|August 2008 Google Tech Talk "gPXE: Modern FOSS Network Booting"]] Marty Connor, H. Peter Anvin, Michael Brown * [[http://www.linux.com/feature/118636|The Etherboot/gPXE BoF from LinuxWorld 2007]] Marty Connor, H. Peter Anvin, Donald Becker, Michael Brown ===== Talks ===== * [[http://sipb.mit.edu/iap/netboot/|Introduction to Network Booting]], from IAP at MIT in January 2010 ===== Papers ===== * [[http://edgyu.excess.org/ols/2008/H%20Peter%20Anvin%20-%20x86%20network%20booting%3a%20integrating%20gPXE%20and%20PXELINUX.pdf|x86 Network Booting: Integrating gPXE and PXELINUX]] (H. Peter Anvin and Marty Connor) at 2008 ottawa Linux Symposium