====== Week 3 ====== === June - 9 === - Getting up rom-o-matic with BKO support on etherboot. done [http://etherboot.org/share/pravin/BKO/rom-o-matic/] - Because of some wired reason, even original rom-o-matic code is not producing any output. -- solved, the bin/NIC target was not compiled in and error reporting was turned off. - The latest gpxe code, and gpxe version used by rom-o-matic, both are creating trubble while booting. [[ProbsBKORomOMatic]] === June - 10 === - Trying to fix the problem with BKO and Rom-O-Matic integration [[ProbsBKORomOMatic]] - Adding DSL to pxeknife [[PxeKnifeDSL]] - Trying to boot it over http. === June - 11 - 13 === - I was mostly working getting DSL working over HTTP with pxekinfe. - I have covered the logs of those attempts in [[PxeKnifeDSL]] - Mostly I spent most of my time in - Testing whether networking works or not in initramfs. - Figuring out, which extra kernel drivers and tools to be added in initramfs to get networking work. - Getting the statically compiled busybox for linux kernel 2.4. - Figuring out where to put HTTPFS related code in the messy code of linuxrc. - Once I got it working, then I replicated the entire setup in - my laptop (Where I actually do work) - alien.doesntexist.org (my amsterdam machine, which I use for testing) - rom.etherboot.org === June - 14 === Used weekend to explore Paris. I was too tired to do anything useful when I returned. ==== Few useful links ==== - http://httpfs.sourceforge.net/net_boot.htm

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