====== Week 10 ====== ===== TO DO List ===== - Complete the deployment script - Deploy it on BKO These are the pages and problems on which I am currently working - [[BKODebianISCSI|Debian over iscsi]] -- done :-) -- - [[ubuntubko|ubuntu in BKO]] -- Finally it is working after removing ''networking'' and ''NetworkManager'', only ''/etc/resolver.conf'' entry needs a fix -- - [[fedora11bko|Fedora 11 in BKO]] -- Able to boot indirectly after disabling ''networking'' and ''NetworkManager'' -- ===== 27 July ===== - Working on deployment script. - Completed the deployment script. - There were small (and stupid) error which surfaced in the process of actual deployment, fixed them. - Started the deployment process - There was urgent need to support URL as boot.kernel.org mirror selection works at dns level. - Adding /etc/resolv.conf to all the distributions with pre-configured value ''nameserver'' - By end of the day, only debian was properly working over BKO. knoppix was getting stuck somewhere inbetween. ===== 28 July ===== - As mirror selection is done at DNS level, removed the entries for URL's from boot menu. - added default ''/etc/resolv.conf'' to all distributions - DSL is throwing following error <code> httpfs : getaddrinfo rom.etherboot.org - Name or service not known. </code> - About ubuntu, it is booting properly from squashfs, but ISO is not booting. Most probably I have messed up the script where selection between iso and squashfs is done ===== 29-30 July ===== - After some debugging I agree with Warthog now that the problem indeed is long boot parameters. - Worked on fixing the problem by shortening the URL names. - Shortened the Directory names - Shortened the ISO names - moved out the pxeknife part ===== 31 July ===== - After discussion with Warthog9, decided to revert back the old style. - And the problem of long boot parameters will be solved by hardcoding the boot parameters inside initramfs. - Realized the problem that we will be facing, - Will need separate initramfs for all locations. (as location is hardcoded in) - The change of location will trigger modification of code of all distributions :-(