====== Exporting disk image files via iSCSI on OpenSolaris ====== ===== Starting the iSCSI target service ===== Ensure that the iSCSI target daemon is running: # svcadm enable iscsitgt ===== Adding an iSCSI target image ===== Add the disk image file as an iSCSI target: # iscsitadm create target --type disk -b /path/to/image/file.img my_target # iscsitadm list target where ///path/to/image/file.img// is the path to your disk image file, and //my_target// is a short name of your choice. You should see something like: Target: my_target iSCSI Name: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:8851b84b-fcae-cbf0-d50f-ca84c7b94b94.my_target Connections: 0 Make a note of the iSCSI target IQN (//iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:8851b84b-fcae-cbf0-d50f-ca84c7b94b94.my_target// in the above example). You are now ready to * [[sanboot:iscsi_boot|Boot from your iSCSI target image]]

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