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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Preparing Fedora Core 5 for iSCSI boot ====== These instructions assume that you have an installation of Fedora Core 5 on a local hard disk. We will make this installation iSCSI-boot-capable, then copy it to a remote iSCSI target and boot from it. Start by installing the kernel-devel and dkms packages: yum install kernel-devel yum install dkms The kernel-devel package must match the version of your currently running kernel, which you can check using rpm -q kernel-devel uname -r You will need to install the iSCSI initiator, the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table utilities, and the iSCSI-capable mkinitrd, which you can find at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=177003&package_id=203976&release_id=447506 Download and install (using ''rpm -Uvh'') the ''dkms-ibft'', ''dkms-iscsi_sfnet'', ''ibft'', ''linux-iscsi'', and ''mkinitrd-iscsi'' RPMs. If all has gone well, you should now be able to test loading the iSCSI initiator and iBFT kernel modules using modprobe iscsi_sfnet modprobe ibft You need to mark the network device that you will be using for boot. Edit ''/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0'' (assuming that ''eth0'' is your boot network device), and append the line DEVICETYPE=boot Lastly, you need to rebuild the initrd to include the iSCSI kernel modules, using /sbin/mkinitrd -f --force-iscsi /boot/initrd-`uname -r`.img `uname -r` If you use LILO as your bootloader (rather than grub), then you will need to run ''lilo'' after this step. You can now proceed to

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