**This is an old revision of the document!** ----
===== .pxe/.kpxe/.kkpxe ===== * .pxe is an image designed to be [[pxechaining|chain loaded]] * .kpxe * .kkpxe is a PXE image that keeps PXE+UNDI loaded and return to PXE (instead of int 18h). From [[http://www.etherboot.org/wiki/soc/2008/stefanha/journal/week8|here]] ===== Others ===== * .dsk is the beginning of an image for a floppy disk * .sdsk is the beginning of an image for a "1.44M" (1440 kiB) floppy disk with a FAT file system and the Syslinux boot loader * .iso is an image of a CD using ISOLINUX to load a .lkrn * .liso is an image of a CD using floppy emulation mode containing a .dsk * .lkrn is a binary that can be loaded by any boot loader which can load a Linux kernel * .usb * .rom * .hrom