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gpxe_imagetypes [2011/03/26 16:48]
genec Add others
gpxe_imagetypes [2011/03/27 11:19] (current)
genec [Others] .rom
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 ===== .pxe/​.kpxe/​.kkpxe ===== ===== .pxe/​.kpxe/​.kkpxe =====
-  * .pxe is an image designed to be [[pxechaining|chain loaded]] +  * .pxe is an image designed to be [[pxechaining|chain loaded]], unloading both the underlying PXE and UNDI code sections. 
-  * .kpxe +  * .kpxe is a PXE image that keeps UNDI loaded and unloads PXE
   * .kkpxe is a PXE image that keeps PXE+UNDI loaded and return to PXE (instead of int 18h). From [[http://​www.etherboot.org/​wiki/​soc/​2008/​stefanha/​journal/​week8|here]]   * .kkpxe is a PXE image that keeps PXE+UNDI loaded and return to PXE (instead of int 18h). From [[http://​www.etherboot.org/​wiki/​soc/​2008/​stefanha/​journal/​week8|here]]
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   * .lkrn is a binary that can be loaded by any boot loader which can load a Linux kernel   * .lkrn is a binary that can be loaded by any boot loader which can load a Linux kernel
   * .usb   * .usb
-  * .rom+  * .rom is an image that can be burned directly to a PXE ROM.  Most images in this format are named for the PCI vendor/​device ID (ie 10b79055.rom)
   * .hrom   * .hrom

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