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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

===== Documentation for Etherboot users ===== ==== General EtherBoot information==== * [[scenario|Introduction: A typical network boot scenario]], including explanations for new users * [[troubleshooting|Troubleshooting FAQ]] * [[eb_imagetypes|EtherBoot image types explanation]] * [[filename_specification|How to specify which boot file to load]] * [[burningroms|Burning ROM chips]] * [[realtek8139roms|More specific: for Realtek 8139 NICs]] * [[biosmodule|Putting EtherBoot into your BIOS]] ==== Various Booting Configurations === * EtherBoot in virtual machines / EtherBoot in emulators * [[vmware|How to use EtherBoot in a VMware virtual machine]] * [[vmwarebios|How to use EtherBoot as ROM in the VMware BIOS / EtherBoot ROM in VMware's and Bochs' network cards]] * [[bochs|How to use EtherBoot with Bochs]] * [[bootingmemdisk|Booting Memdisk]] * [[disklessdos|Diskless MS-DOS (and compatibles)]] * [[disklesswin98|Diskless Windows 98]] * [[lilowithetherboot|Using LILO with EtherBoot]] * [[freebsd|Booting FreeBSD]] * [[windowsntloader|Loading EtherBoot from a Windows 2000/XP NT loader]] * [[msris|Using EtherBoot with Microsofts Remote Installation Services (RIS)]] * [[pxe|Using EtherBoot as a PXE boot rom]] * [[pxe2ndstage|Using EtherBoot as a PXE 2nd-stage-loader]] * Preparing Etherboot Network Bootable Images with mknbi (not needed for PXE and PXELINUX booting) (not recommended for new users) * [[mknbi|mknbi utility description and manpage]] * [[logos|Logos for Etherboot and rom-o-matic.net]] ==== Miscellaneous Topics ==== * [[twodhcpservers|Having more than one DHCP-server on a network]] * [[multicast|Multicast protocol support (slam/tftp-multicast)]] * [[safebootmode|Experimental SafeBootMode cryptographic boot image check]] * [[aoe|ATA-over-Ethernet (experimental)]] ==== Developer information ==== * [[dev:todo|ToDo-List]] * [[dev:devmanual|Developers' manual]]

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