**This is an old revision of the document!** ----

A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Contributing to EtherBoot ====== Etherboot is a volunteer project done in spare time. Many kind people have contributed in various ways, see the [[http://etherboot.sourceforge.net/doc/html/userman/acknowledgements.html|acknowledgement list]]. You can help in various ways: *Improve the documentation. Send me the changes if you feel something is missing or can be improved. *Enter hardware compatibility information into the [[http://etherboot.sourceforge.net/doc/html/documentation.html#NICdb|NIC database]]. *Try different variations on configurations and software. Send me the documentation or a link to your Web page when you have succeeded, of course. Here is a [[http://www.etherboot.org/todo.html|list]] of things that have been suggested if you want some ideas. *Spread the word about netbooting wherever you see a situation which could use the technique. *Write articles about your experiences with applications of netbooting for conferences, journals or e-zines. *Contribute any related software which can be put into ''contrib/''. *Write drivers for more cards. See the [[http://etherboot.sourceforge.net/doc/html/devman/t1.html|Developers Manual]] for instructions. *Offer to make EPROMs for people needing them

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