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====== User-specific boot menus ====== This page outlines the steps I took to implement a proof of concept comprising user authentication at preboot time and dynamically generated boot menus. The user is first presented with a login screen. The user's credentials are passed via an SSL-encrypted link to a server, which authenticates the user and then provides a boot menu containing a list of authorised boot selections. The list of boot selections can vary according to the user. ===== Setup ===== Find a suitable Apache web server, complete with valid SSL certificate. Create a directory called "boot" on this web server. For the purpose of this documentation, I will assume that the full URI for this directory is //%%http://my.web.server/boot%%//. In the boot directory, create a file ".htaccess" containing SSLRequireSSL and a file "menu.gpxe" containing #!gpxe imgfree login kernel -n menu https://${username:uristring}:${password:uristring}@my.web.server/boot/vesamenu.c32 menu.php boot menu