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wirelessboot:implementation [2009/08/13 11:18]
wirelessboot:implementation [2009/08/13 11:22] (current)
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   * Clause 11 (MLME) contains information about the association process. Only 11.1-11.3 are generally useful; the rest covers QoS and spectrum management issues that don't really need to be implemented.   * Clause 11 (MLME) contains information about the association process. Only 11.1-11.3 are generally useful; the rest covers QoS and spectrum management issues that don't really need to be implemented.
   * The rest of the spec deals with PHY-layer details.   * The rest of the spec deals with PHY-layer details.
 +  * Annex H (RSNA reference implementation and test vectors) was useful in checking the security code.
 If you run into something you can't figure out, email me (username oremanj located at the domain rwcr in the TLD .net) and I'll be happy to try and clarify. If you run into something you can't figure out, email me (username oremanj located at the domain rwcr in the TLD .net) and I'll be happy to try and clarify.

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