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wirelessboot:drivers [2009/08/11 20:05]
wirelessboot:drivers [2009/08/11 20:11] (current)
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 large 802.11 stack; when the file introducing them can be compiled in large 802.11 stack; when the file introducing them can be compiled in
 or out due to a configuration option, the ''​REQUIRE_OBJECT()''​ calls or out due to a configuration option, the ''​REQUIRE_OBJECT()''​ calls
-should be placed in ''​net/​80211/​config_80211.c''​ instead of +should be placed in ''​config_net80211.c''​ instead of 
-''​core/config.c''​ to avoid ever pulling in the objects without a+''​config.c''​ to avoid ever pulling in the objects without a
 wireless stack present to make them useful. wireless stack present to make them useful.

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