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winpe_memdisk [2009/05/14 14:12]
prestonb created
winpe_memdisk [2009/05/14 15:12] (current)
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 +This method of booting WinPE uses Memdisk to boot a hard disk image containing a WinPE WIM file and the support files necessary to load and boot the WIM. This is done in order to bypass the traditional (read: Microsoft) way of network booting WinPE over TFTP, and all the inherent problems with using TFTP, specifically,​ scaling to any significant number of clients on cheap hardware.
 ======Requirements====== ======Requirements======
 You will need the following: You will need the following:
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 ======Boot from Knoppix====== ======Boot from Knoppix======
 +Once booted into Knoppix, DD the Virtual Machine Hard Disk
   dd if=/dev/hda of=~/​winpe.dd   dd if=/dev/hda of=~/​winpe.dd
Line 62: Line 66:
 ======Customizing WinPE.wim====== ======Customizing WinPE.wim======
 Once you have winpe.dd which is just a 200MB Hard Disk Image, you can use Linux, fdisk, losetup, and ntfs-3g to exchange the WinPE.wim file inside winpe.dd with a customized WinPE.wim to suit your needs. This section will be filled out at a later date. Once you have winpe.dd which is just a 200MB Hard Disk Image, you can use Linux, fdisk, losetup, and ntfs-3g to exchange the WinPE.wim file inside winpe.dd with a customized WinPE.wim to suit your needs. This section will be filled out at a later date.
 +======Scaling up with SLAM======
 +**All of this is highly experimental and should be used at your own risk.**
 +Memdisk is small enough that it can probably be served over any protocol without causing a significant bottleneck when serving 30+ clients simultaneously. The 200MB Hard Drive image on the other hand could be problematic. The gPXE source contains a small multicasting server called mini-slamd. Vanilla gPXE builds to not contain support for SLAM by default. To add SLAM support, grab the gPXE source and edit gpxe/​src/​config/​general.h
 +  general.h
 +  @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 +   #​undef ​ DOWNLOAD_PROTO_HTTPS ​   /* Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol */
 +   #​undef ​ DOWNLOAD_PROTO_FTP ​     /* File Transfer Protocol */
 +   #​undef ​ DOWNLOAD_PROTO_TFTM ​    /* Multicast Trivial File Transfer Protocol */
 +  -#​undef ​ DOWNLOAD_PROTO_SLAM ​    /* Scalable Local Area Multicast */
 +  +#define DOWNLOAD_PROTO_SLAM ​    /* Scalable Local Area Multicast */
 +   #​undef ​ DOWNLOAD_PROTO_FSP ​     /* FSP? */
 +Make gPXE and confirm that your build has slamd support. This can be done by booting from the compiled gPXE binary and checking the supported protocols line when gPXE boots.
 +mini-slamd is in gpxe/​contrib/​mini-slamd. mini-slamd.c contains defines that should be tailored for your specific environment,​ including server port, multicast ip, maximum clients, TTL, etc. Once configured, compile with the included makefile and run, with the command line argument being the winpe.dd file. Hypothetically,​ one could network boot a large number of WinPE clients simultaneously using this method. One example of how this might be used would be at a university, to network boot a lab of computers to WinPE and then use ImageX to connect to a multicast reimage session on a Windows Deployment Server.

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