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vmwarebios [2006/07/07 01:20]
vmwarebios [2009/03/13 06:10] (current)
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 **Declarations** **Declarations**
-  * Expansion ROMExpansionROM,​ Extension ROMExtensionROM,​ Option ROMOptionROM +  * Expansion ROM ExpansionROM , Extension ROM ExtensionROM , Option ROM OptionROM ​, Extension BIOS / ExtensionBIOS ​ 
-Describes ​a binary executable in a special format, which can be loaded and started by mainboard'​s System BIOS +... describes ​a binary executable in a special format, which can be loaded and started by mainboard'​s System BIOS 
-This binary executably is genereally stored in the (Flash)-EEPROM of a graphics card, network card, RAID controller and inside a modular System BIOS.+This binary executably is genereally stored in the (Flash)-EEPROM of a graphics card, network card, RAID controller and inside a modular System ​BIOS / module based BIOS.\\ 
 In the past and in the present, many people were/are interested in using EtherBoot for virtual machines, like VMware or Bochs: In the past and in the present, many people were/are interested in using EtherBoot for virtual machines, like VMware or Bochs:
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 Now, I will show you the methods to make EtherBoot testing/​developing faster and easier: Now, I will show you the methods to make EtherBoot testing/​developing faster and easier:
 ==== Alternative Methods: ==== ==== Alternative Methods: ====
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 ethernet0.virtualDev = "​e1000"​ ethernet0.virtualDev = "​e1000"​
 e1000bios.filename = "​path/​etherboot-for-E1000"​ e1000bios.filename = "​path/​etherboot-for-E1000"​
 +ethernet0.opromsize = 70144
 ethernet1.present = "​TRUE"​ ethernet1.present = "​TRUE"​
Line 103: Line 108:
 </​file>​ </​file>​
-I spent nearly two hours to also prepare a [[http://bnobtc.pix-art.com/images/borgbios/vmware/​etherboot-in-vmware.gif|decent animation]],​ which shows the described method. :)+I spent nearly two hours to also prepare a [[http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/7897/etherbootinvmwaredx5.gif|decent animation]],​ which shows the described method. :)
 PS: PS:
Line 131: Line 136:
   * b)   * b)
-    * EtherBoot Option ROM in VMware and further Option ROM related screenshots / animations ​[[http://​bnobtc.pix-art.com/​images/​borgbios/​vmware/​etherboot-in-vmware.gif]] +    * EtherBoot Option ROM in VMware and further Option ROM related screenshots / animations  
-    * [[http://​bnobtc.pix-art.com/​images/​borgbios/​vmware]] +[No longer available]
-    * [[http://​bnobtc.pix-art.com/​images/​borgbios/​romos]]+
   * c)   * c)
Line 142: Line 146:
   * e) Option ROM projects:   * e) Option ROM projects:
-    * [[http://​bnobtc.pix-art.com/​en|http://​bnobtc.pix-art.com/​en ​--> "​Already realized Option ROM ideas"​]] +    * [[[No longer available] ​--> "​Already realized Option ROM ideas"​]]
 +  * f)
 +    * [[http://​rayer.ic.cz/​romos/​romose.htm|ROMOS]]
 This article was created to help users, who want to use EtherBoot in VMware and/or bochs. This article was created to help users, who want to use EtherBoot in VMware and/or bochs.
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 --BIOS modification and realtime desktop help service-- --BIOS modification and realtime desktop help service--
-[[http://​bnobtc.pix-art.com]]+[No longer available]
 --BIOS Logo Gallery-- --BIOS Logo Gallery--
-[[http://​bnobtc.pix-art.com/​bioslogo]] +[No longer available]
- +

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