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vmware [2006/06/26 03:09]
vmware [2006/06/27 01:35] (current)
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 ==== ...patching the VMware BIOS ==== ==== ...patching the VMware BIOS ====
-There have been reports of successful ​putting ​Etherboot ​into a VMware BIOS. [[vmwarebios|A detailled description for VMware and Bochs is available here]].+ 
 +There have been reports of successfully ​putting ​EtherBoot ​into a VMware BIOS. 
 +Furthermore,​ there are new methods to: 
 +  * replace the PXE BootROM in VMware with EtherBoot 
 +  * to use EtherBoot ROM as network BootROM in Bochs. 
 +[[vmwarebios|A detailled description for VMware and Bochs is available here]].
 ===== Server-side setup ===== ===== Server-side setup =====

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