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vmware [2006/06/25 05:52]
stockholm created, using info from the old wiki
vmware [2006/06/27 01:35] (current)
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 and then, of course, using that file as a floppy image. You will of course need neither virtual hard drive nor cd-rom, just a working network setup. and then, of course, using that file as a floppy image. You will of course need neither virtual hard drive nor cd-rom, just a working network setup.
 ==== ...patching the VMware BIOS ==== ==== ...patching the VMware BIOS ====
-There have been reports of successful ​putting ​Etherboot ​into a VMware BIOS (which seems to be a standard AWARD type BIOS(?)Please update this text if you happen ​to successfully patch that BIOS.+ 
 +There have been reports of successfully ​putting ​EtherBoot ​into a VMware BIOS. 
 +Furthermore,​ there are new methods ​to
 +  * replace the PXE BootROM in VMware with EtherBoot 
 +  * to use EtherBoot ROM as network BootROM in Bochs. 
 +[[vmwarebios|A detailled description for VMware and Bochs is available here]]. 
 ===== Server-side setup ===== ===== Server-side setup =====
 For the server-side,​ you most probably will want to use the ISC DHCPD - it works pretty much the same like on regular ethernet networks except the network device name connected to the VMWware virtual network will happen to be different (of course, dependant on which network setup you choose for your VMware). For the server-side,​ you most probably will want to use the ISC DHCPD - it works pretty much the same like on regular ethernet networks except the network device name connected to the VMWware virtual network will happen to be different (of course, dependant on which network setup you choose for your VMware).
 Beware of trusting the VMware machines'​ hardware addresses - they might not be fixed, so do not rely on them too much. Beware of trusting the VMware machines'​ hardware addresses - they might not be fixed, so do not rely on them too much.

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