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troubleshooting [2008/05/22 13:47]
troubleshooting [2008/08/08 05:11] (current)
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 **Solution:​**\\ Error codes are generally internal errors. ​ Many user errors are displayed as human-readable messages. ​ Error codes allow the developers to identify the location in gPXE where the error is coming from.  You can use the web-based [[http://​etherboot.org/​share/​stefanha/​errcode.php|gPXE Error Code Lookup]] or ask ''​gpxebot''​ for help on the [[contact|IRC channel]]. ​ Fully investigating an error code will require the gPXE source code.  Start by looking at ''​src/​include/​errno.h''​. ​ Developers are often available for help on the [[contact|IRC channel]]! **Solution:​**\\ Error codes are generally internal errors. ​ Many user errors are displayed as human-readable messages. ​ Error codes allow the developers to identify the location in gPXE where the error is coming from.  You can use the web-based [[http://​etherboot.org/​share/​stefanha/​errcode.php|gPXE Error Code Lookup]] or ask ''​gpxebot''​ for help on the [[contact|IRC channel]]. ​ Fully investigating an error code will require the gPXE source code.  Start by looking at ''​src/​include/​errno.h''​. ​ Developers are often available for help on the [[contact|IRC channel]]!
 +==== "​Etherboot with Linux 2.6 hangs/does not boot" ====
 +**Problem:​**\\ You have created a network-bootable-image (NBI) of a Linux 2.6 (or higher) kernel with mknbi-* and want to boot it using Etherboot but Etherboot stops after loading the image and either hangs or enters an infinite reboot-cycle.
 +**Solution:​**\\ Use wraplinux to make the NBI in stead of mknbi-*. [[http://​www.kernel.org/​pub/​linux/​utils/​boot/​wraplinux|Wraplinux]] can be downloaded from here. Preferably, if you can, you might want to upgrade from using etherboot to using gPXE as netbootloader.

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