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soc [2008/03/03 09:26]
soc [2011/05/22 04:49] (current)
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-====== Google Summer of Code 2008 ======+====== Google Summer of Code ======
-The Etherboot ​Project is applying to participate ​in Google'​s 2008 [[http://​code.google.com/​soc/|Summer of Code]] ​project!+The [[http://​etherboot.org/​|Etherboot ​project]] has been participating ​in [[http://​code.google.com/​soc|Google ​Summer of Code]] ​since 2006 and has been generously accepted again for 2010.
-===== Student Information =====+{{ :​bootroms.jpeg?​350×190|Some boot ROMs}}
-Here are some links to information for students interested in our project:+==== General Information ====
-  * Here is some [[soc:background ​Background Information]] about our project. +We (the [[http://​etherboot.org/​|Etherboot Project]]) create network booting code (gPXE) that allows computers to load their operating system from a network.  ​gPXE can be stored in a number of places, including BIOS Flash, EPROMs, floppy, CD, HD, or other bootable media.  ​The project has been around since about 1993.
-  * We have assembled some [[soc:​student_info | Student Information Resources]] you may find helpful. +
-  * Here are some [[soc:ideas | Project Ideas]] for Summer of Code proposals.+
-===== Mentors =====+We have a number of areas we can use help with.  Since our focus is on creating network boot code, it is important that you be comfortable with low-level programming -- that is, C and possibly some x86 assembler (though this is not essential for many projects, and you can pick it up as you go along). ​ You should also understand that efficiencies of code size, runtime size, and execution speed are important to us.  Low-level, or "​bare-metal"​ programming requires patience and focus, but the sense of control and deep understanding of what is happening, and why, can be very exhilarating. ​
-Our Mentors for Google Summer of Code are:+==== Project Ideas ====
-  ​* Marty ConnorProject Leader, Developer, Etherboot Project +Our project ideas page is [[soc:​ideas|here]]. 
-  * Michael Brown, Lead Developer, Etherboot Project + 
-  * H. Peter Anvin, Project ​Leader, Lead Developer, Syslinux+==== For information about a specific year please choose below: ==== 
 +  * [[soc:​2011:​]] 
 +  * [[soc:​2010:​]] 
 +  * [[soc:​2009:​]] 
 +  * [[soc:​2008:​]] 
 +  * [[soc:​2007:​]] 
 +  * [[soc:​2006:​]] 
 +==== Where to find us ==== 
 +We generally hang out in the ''#​etherboot''​ channel on the FreeNode IRC network (irc.freenode.net). ​ Please feel free to drop in and ask questions, discuss ideas, etc.  We talk to all applicants individually as part of the selection process and, if we accept you as a Summer of Code student, we'll expect to talk to you in the IRC channel at least every couple of days. 
 +Our mentors for Summer of Code (with their IRC nicknames) are: 
 +  ​* Marty Connor ​[''​mdc''​] (Project Leader, Developer, Etherboot Project) 
 +  * Stefan Hajnoczi [''​stefanha''​] (Developer, Etherboot Project) 
 +  * Gene Cumm [''​genec''​] (ContributorEtherboot ​Project
 +You can reach the mentors directly via e-mail using <​soc-mentors@etherboot.org>​. ​ There is also the [[https://​etherboot.org/​mailman/​listinfo/​gpxe|gPXE mailing list]] (you must subscribe before posting).
-If you have questions about participating in Google Summer of Code with us, you can reach us via email at: <​soc-mentors@etherboot.org>​. 
-We hope you have enjoyed reading about the [[http://​www.etherboot.org/​|Etherboot Project]], and we thank you for visiting! 

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