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soc:nikhil:proposal [2006/06/15 11:50]
soc:nikhil:proposal [2006/06/15 11:51] (current)
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 I have created a timeline for this project using Google Calendar which is available on the following links: I have created a timeline for this project using Google Calendar which is available on the following links:
 [[http://​www.google.com/​calendar/​ical/​p9tuujnjpv02p7ehvqdb88m0uo@group.calendar.google.com/​public/​basic|ICAL]] [[http://​www.google.com/​calendar/​ical/​p9tuujnjpv02p7ehvqdb88m0uo@group.calendar.google.com/​public/​basic|ICAL]]

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