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soc:derekpryor [2006/07/21 10:31]
soc:derekpryor [2006/07/21 12:33] (current)
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 == Update (2006/​07/​21) == == Update (2006/​07/​21) ==
-Have almost finished porting the MatrixSSL versions of SHA1 and MD5. (Just one function I have to track down). Going to work on RSA next and see how small we can get it.+Have almost finished porting the MatrixSSL versions of SHA1 and MD5. (Just one function I have to track down). Going to work on RSA next and see how small we can get it. __Update__: I took a look at 3DES, and even though the code is large (due to constant arrays) it should be easy to port.   RSA is being a pain.
 == Update (2006/​07/​17) == == Update (2006/​07/​17) ==

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