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soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week9 [2011/07/20 22:41]
pcmattman a few days of missed logs
soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week9 [2011/07/25 02:25] (current)
pcmattman day 5 log
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   * I want to check for a valid destination address in ipv6_rx, to avoid all the processing that might take place on a packet that isn't actually targeted to the gPXE host.   * I want to check for a valid destination address in ipv6_rx, to avoid all the processing that might take place on a packet that isn't actually targeted to the gPXE host.
   * It may be still necessary to implement the "​Authentication"​ and "​Encapsulated Security Payload"​ headers. I think it might be worth seeing how many people run into this as a problem and work from there.   * It may be still necessary to implement the "​Authentication"​ and "​Encapsulated Security Payload"​ headers. I think it might be worth seeing how many people run into this as a problem and work from there.
 +==== Day 5 (July 22) ====
 +I didn't manage to get much coding done today, but I did look into the potential endian issues - in particular, looking at code in gPXE and noting the architectures which it supports.

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