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soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week5 [2011/06/21 03:15]
pcmattman day 2 entry
soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week5 [2011/06/24 19:49] (current)
pcmattman day 6 log so far
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 [[http://​meetings.ripe.net/​ripe-53/​presentations/​dhcpv6.pdf|DHCPv6 by Shane Kerr (ISC)]] - 2006. An overview of the protocol in light of stateless autoconfiguration. [[http://​meetings.ripe.net/​ripe-53/​presentations/​dhcpv6.pdf|DHCPv6 by Shane Kerr (ISC)]] - 2006. An overview of the protocol in light of stateless autoconfiguration.
 [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​DHCPv6|Wikipedia'​s overview]] is sparse but links to the relevant RFCs. [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​DHCPv6|Wikipedia'​s overview]] is sparse but links to the relevant RFCs.
 [[http://​www.tcpipguide.com/​free/​t_DHCPForIPVersion6DHCPv6.htm|TCP/​IP Guide pages]] on DHCPv6. I've always found the TCP/IP guide to be very useful, and it's IPv6 overview is handy. [[http://​www.tcpipguide.com/​free/​t_DHCPForIPVersion6DHCPv6.htm|TCP/​IP Guide pages]] on DHCPv6. I've always found the TCP/IP guide to be very useful, and it's IPv6 overview is handy.
 [[http://​www.isc.org/​software/​dhcp|ISC'​s dhcpd]] - source code and documentation for the ISC dhcpd, which supports IPv6. [[http://​www.isc.org/​software/​dhcp|ISC'​s dhcpd]] - source code and documentation for the ISC dhcpd, which supports IPv6.
 +==== Day 3 (June 22) ====
 +I found two nasty regressions today so I spent most of my time debugging those. The first was an issue with the value of a constant in the code which caused the wrong code path to be used for ICMPv6 RX. After the recent revert of the tcpip module changes, this caused a NULL pointer to be called as a function, which obviously did not end too well. Fixing the constant value has resolved this now.
 +Another regression came in ipv6_tx_csum - for some reason it has begun to fail, when it used to work fine. I'm not sure exactly what conditions caused this one, but the fix was quite simple in the end: set the checksum psuedo-header'​s "​length"​ field to the payload length in the IPv6 header.
 +I won't be able to do much work tomorrow as I have a work commitment that will probably take me out until about 9 PM my time. It'll be an 8 AM to 9 PM day, so very little time for coding.
 +==== Days 4 & 5 (June 23, 24) ====
 +I was busy with other commitments (both work and real life) over most of these days so I didn't get a chance to work on gPXE. I'll use the weekend to catch up.
 +==== Day 6 (June 25) ====
 +I managed to implement blocking via monojob for router solicits today. This means that until a valid, globally routable address is assigned, other work on the command line cannot be done. This should stop a lot of "no route to host" spam on startup, and also lets me pass a status code back to the requester of the router solicit. This is important, as I need to be able to identify whether to also begin DHCPv6 operations in ip6mgmt.c.
 +Now that flash6.etherboot.org is up, I can start putting testing images and scripts there and hopefully make use of them in my regular testing. This will mean my testing environment is consistent with the testing environment of the community.

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