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soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week4 [2011/06/14 04:00]
pcmattman more from this evening
soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week4 [2011/06/17 06:28] (current)
pcmattman day 5 journal entry
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 I spent the rest of the evening reading the DHCPv6 RFC (RFC 3315) and started filling out dhcp6.h with the relevant types and defines I'll need later on to implement it. As I work I'm also thinking about how best to implement it for gPXE. It's hard to say what features will be of most interest at this stage, I will need to implement them to be sure. I spent the rest of the evening reading the DHCPv6 RFC (RFC 3315) and started filling out dhcp6.h with the relevant types and defines I'll need later on to implement it. As I work I'm also thinking about how best to implement it for gPXE. It's hard to say what features will be of most interest at this stage, I will need to implement them to be sure.
 +==== Day 3 (June 15) ====
 +More reading of the DHCPv6 spec today. Getting a better idea of what the protocol is capable of - my main exposure to it has been in the software so far. It does seem quite well-thought-out,​ and as my work involves administering a network it's nice to see how some of the features will reduce the workload in the future.
 +[[http://​git.etherboot.org/​people/​pcmattman/​gpxe.git/​commit/​aa681cf20b0bccfd33afc2cdfd4df05dcebb2825|Tonight and yesterday'​s work]] - mainly getting dhcp6.h filled out as I read through the RFC. Hopefully I can start getting some code down soon - I'll definitely need to read the DHCPv4 code to get an idea of how to make things work. Certainly looking forward to throwing some DHCPv6 packets onto my network though!
 +==== Day 4 (June 16) ====
 +Maintenance at work this evening and some other issues with hardware at work turned this evening into a write-off for gPXE work.
 +==== Day 5 (June 17) ====
 +Looked at merging and rearranging some commits today ready for submission upstream for testing. After a few hours of dealing with conflicts and continuously breaking builds I've decided to wait a bit and work on the merging some time later. I really need to figure out how best to work from now on so merging and rearranging for upstream won't be so painful in the future. I'm almost certain I won't be able to avoid rearranging and merging altogether, as there'​s always some small bugfix later on which should be able to be merged with the original feature'​s commit, so I need to get this workflow working in a way that doesn'​t mean each upstream merge involves hours of work.

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