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soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week3 [2011/06/08 05:45]
pcmattman more day 3 work
soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week3 [2011/06/10 03:30] (current)
pcmattman last 2 days' entries
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 Today is also World IPv6 Day - hopefully we'll have some code up for testing over the next few days! :) Today is also World IPv6 Day - hopefully we'll have some code up for testing over the next few days! :)
 +==== Day 4 (June 9) ====
 +Didn't get any work done tonight due to real world commitments.
 +==== Day 5 (June 10) ====
 +Came down sick overnight so I've spent a lot of time today and this evening sleeping. Haven'​t done any work on gPXE today.

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