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soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week10 [2011/07/25 02:27]
pcmattman created week 10 log page
soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week10 [2011/07/31 18:04] (current)
pcmattman rest of the week
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 The code still accepts all multicast packets, but this should not be as big an issue as receiving "​accidental"​ unicast packets. The code still accepts all multicast packets, but this should not be as big an issue as receiving "​accidental"​ unicast packets.
 +==== Days 2 to 5 (July 26-29) ====
 +More patches went upstream this week - my local working copy is now in sync with the master repository too.
 +The remainder of the week I have been fighting the beginnings of the flu (which as of late Friday/​early Saturday ended up being a lost battle :) ).

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