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soc:2010:peper:journal:week11 [2010/08/08 07:01]
soc:2010:peper:journal:week11 [2010/08/08 07:04] (current)
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 I was a bit overoptimistic about linker stripping unused functions. I was a bit overoptimistic about linker stripping unused functions.
-It turns out that functions are linked with object granularity so adding ''​strtoull()''​ to ''​core/​misc.c''​ which is used only on linux was in fact included in other builds as well. +It turns out that functions are linked with object granularity so adding ''​strtoull()''​ to ''​core/​misc.c''​ which is used only on linux was in fact growing ​other builds as well. 
-Moved it to a separate object ''​core/​strtoull.c''​.+Moved it to a separate object ''​core/​strtoull.c'' ​to eliminate that problem.
-That makes me wonder whether we have any dead functions that can be nuked to reduce size. On a similar note [[http://​gcc.gnu.org/​gcc-4.5/​changes.html|gcc 4.5.0]] introduced whole program optimizations,​ which might be worth looking into.+That makes me wonder whether we have any dead functions that can be nuked to reduce size. Also on a similar note [[http://​gcc.gnu.org/​gcc-4.5/​changes.html|gcc 4.5.0]] introduced whole program optimizations,​ which might be worth looking into.
 Although I'm waiting for ''​4.5.1''​ as it also introduced some nasty regressions that are quite noticable on a source-based distro like [[http://​www.exherbo.org|exherbo]] that I'm using. Although I'm waiting for ''​4.5.1''​ as it also introduced some nasty regressions that are quite noticable on a source-based distro like [[http://​www.exherbo.org|exherbo]] that I'm using.

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