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soc:2010:peper:journal:week10 [2010/07/31 02:26]
soc:2010:peper:journal:week10 [2010/07/31 15:13] (current)
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  which allows building alldrivers builds on all supported arch/​platform combinations and also adds a everything target that takes advantage of that and builds everything that I could think of. Should come in handy for testing patches.  which allows building alldrivers builds on all supported arch/​platform combinations and also adds a everything target that takes advantage of that and builds everything that I could think of. Should come in handy for testing patches.
 The changes are mostly trivial, but if you want to refresh your make-foo have a look at [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git&​a=search&​h=refs/​heads/​buildall&​st=commit&​s=[build]+Properly+handle+multiple+goals+per+BIN+directory|[build] Properly handle multiple goals per BIN directory]]. ​ The changes are mostly trivial, but if you want to refresh your make-foo have a look at [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git&​a=search&​h=refs/​heads/​buildall&​st=commit&​s=[build]+Properly+handle+multiple+goals+per+BIN+directory|[build] Properly handle multiple goals per BIN directory]]. ​
 +=== Update ===
 +I have updated pretty much every commit in the [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git;​a=shortlog;​h=refs/​heads/​drivers|drivers branch]], adding comments and doing cleanup.

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