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soc:2010:cooldavid:notes:start [2010/05/01 04:08] external edit
soc:2010:cooldavid:notes:start [2010/07/17 20:19] (current)
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 ===== Notes ===== ===== Notes =====
 +  * [[.:​benchmark|TCP Window Size and RX Csum Offload Benchmark]]
 +  * [[.:​tracetcpstack|TCP Stack Trace Note]]
 +  * [[.:​tcpoorxtest|TCP out-of-order receive dstat test logs]]
 +  * [[.:​bkobench|Benchmarks for downloading image from boot.kernel.org]]
 +  * [[.:​gpxememlayout|gPXE memory layout]]
 +  * [[.:​expandheap|Expand gPXE heap]]
 +  * [[.:​gpxeprogflow|gPXE Program Flow]]

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