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soc:2010:cooldavid:notes:expandheap [2010/06/04 00:50]
cooldavid created
soc:2010:cooldavid:notes:expandheap [2010/06/04 01:23] (current)
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 ==== Expand gPXE heap ==== ==== Expand gPXE heap ====
 +=== Real-mode compatibility ===
 The gPXE's code can be executed on both real-mode and The gPXE's code can be executed on both real-mode and
 protected-mode because of the GDT's base address was filled with protected-mode because of the GDT's base address was filled with
 the starting point of the code. Which makes all the function, the starting point of the code. Which makes all the function,
 global variable'​s pointer valid between the transition. global variable'​s pointer valid between the transition.
-Also, the limit of GDT entry was set to 4G, so there is no need + 
-to concern if we are going to across the segment limit.+The original design already put the 16bit code and data to the 
 +begining of the gPXE image. That reduced the posibility which 
 +might occur when running 16 bit code hit the 1MB limit. 
 +=== How expand heap works === 
 +The limit of GDT entry was set to 4G, so there is no need 
 +to concern if we are going to across the segment limit in 
 +32 bits code.
 Since the heap is not used by real-mode code, and is used at Since the heap is not used by real-mode code, and is used at
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 heap out side of the .bss section, and put it at the very end of heap out side of the .bss section, and put it at the very end of
 the image. After we put the heap at the very end of the image, the image. After we put the heap at the very end of the image,
-we can make sure that no data might be needed for real-mode +we can make sure that no data accessed by 16 bits code would put 
-codes would put beyond ​1MB limit.+higher than 1MB limit.
 Currently I left 128KB for stack to grow, and put the heap right Currently I left 128KB for stack to grow, and put the heap right
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 segment limit is way larger than image size. segment limit is way larger than image size.
-For the real-mode ​code, as long as the heap is not usedAll the +The most important thing that makes it possiable is the modification 
-data needed should ​be within 1MB limit.+for relocate. 16 bits code do not access any memory that is not in 
 +.*16 sections in general except when copying(relocation) ​the gPXE 
 +image. After we ignore the copy of heap data, we can have virtually 
 +unlimited heap which can be decide on compile time.
-[[http://git.etherboot.org/?p=people/​cooldavid/​gpxe.git;a=commitdiff;h=09be316b2b1538860037233b41a43dfb3bb1f3d8|Commit-diff]]+[[http://bbs.cooldavid.org/git/?​p=gpxe.git;​a=shortlog;h=refs/​heads/​hugeheap|Heap modification branch]]
 === Original heap location === === Original heap location ===
-[[Original heap location|{{http://bbs.cooldavid.org/pic/origheap.png}}]]+{{:soc:2010:cooldavid:notes:origheap.png}}
 === Modified heap location === === Modified heap location ===
-[[Modified heap location|{{http://bbs.cooldavid.org/pic/hugeheap.png}}]]+{{:soc:2010:cooldavid:notes:hugeheap.png}}

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