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soc:2010:andreif:journal:week9 [2010/07/23 07:46]
soc:2010:andreif:journal:week9 [2010/07/26 11:48] (current)
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 Back to multiboot today, more specifically to the decompression part. These days I am going to work on extracting and black-boxing the decompression code from the gzip utility. For starters, I won't try to integrate the code with gPXE, I'll just try and get it to work separately using an input .gz file. By the end of the week I hope to have a working gunzip util. Back to multiboot today, more specifically to the decompression part. These days I am going to work on extracting and black-boxing the decompression code from the gzip utility. For starters, I won't try to integrate the code with gPXE, I'll just try and get it to work separately using an input .gz file. By the end of the week I hope to have a working gunzip util.
 +==== Day 6 [ Sat 24 Jul 2010 ] ====
 +No coding today, but a lot of documentation. I am currently trying to understand the DEFLATE algorithm. I played around all day with a decompression implementation from the zlib library and I think with a little bit more time I'll comprehend it all.
 +==== Day 7 [ Sun 25 Jul 2010 ] ====

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