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soc:2010:andreif:journal:week6 [2010/07/02 07:46]
soc:2010:andreif:journal:week6 [2010/07/05 06:39] (current)
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 The .close routine disables interrupts, stops rx and tx, and clears up the rings basically. Tomorrow I'll clear the rings and implement the ''​nv_drain_rxtx''​ routine. I'll also do the switch setup that Stefan suggested and see if .open and .close work :) The .close routine disables interrupts, stops rx and tx, and clears up the rings basically. Tomorrow I'll clear the rings and implement the ''​nv_drain_rxtx''​ routine. I'll also do the switch setup that Stefan suggested and see if .open and .close work :)
-==== Day 4 [ Wed 30 Jun 2010 ] ====+==== Day 4 [ Thu 1 Jul 2010 ] ====
 me.away() me.away()
-==== Day 5 [ Wed 30 Jun 2010 ] ====+==== Day 5 [ Fri 2 Jul 2010 ] ====
 Today I started to set up the switch, which in fact is a [[http://​www.productwiki.com/​siemens-gigaset-se361-wlan/​|router]]. Every issue mentioned in that page, I encountered it. I had to make some settings multiple times before the router saved them, plus it disconnects every now and then. I disabled its internal DHCP server, its DNS, and enabled NAT, and now the setup looks like this: Today I started to set up the switch, which in fact is a [[http://​www.productwiki.com/​siemens-gigaset-se361-wlan/​|router]]. Every issue mentioned in that page, I encountered it. I had to make some settings multiple times before the router saved them, plus it disconnects every now and then. I disabled its internal DHCP server, its DNS, and enabled NAT, and now the setup looks like this:
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 The amount of issues with that router are staggering, and I hope now that it is stable, I can finally get some work done. I see some mentioning of low speeds when using it so I'll keep this in mind when I test the driver'​s speeds. The amount of issues with that router are staggering, and I hope now that it is stable, I can finally get some work done. I see some mentioning of low speeds when using it so I'll keep this in mind when I test the driver'​s speeds.
 +==== Day 6 [ Sat 3 Jul 2010 ] ====
 +==== Day 7 [ Sun 4 Jul 2010 ] ====
 +Finally got around to testing .open and .close and they seem to work fine. I'll only be sure of this when I implement .transmit and .poll and see if the settings made in .open are correct.
 +Got some nice feedback regarding the driver after the weekly meeting. The plan is to finish the driver until the end of the next week. So far so good.

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