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soc:2010:andreif:journal:week5 [2010/06/24 10:34]
soc:2010:andreif:journal:week5 [2010/06/28 09:15] (current)
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 ==== Day 4 [ Thu 24 Jun 2010 ] ==== ==== Day 4 [ Thu 24 Jun 2010 ] ====
 +Git commit: [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​andreif/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=5756a78e83b6a83851a07fce80b2993772b772ce|5756a78e83b6a83851a07fce80b2993772b772ce]]
 Lots'​o'​issues today. Lots'​o'​issues today.
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 I didn't get to do anything else today, I'll have to catch up tomorrow. As Stefan said, booting from an USB stick can be a real pain because of the constant dd-ing and moving of the switch from one USB port to another. As he suggested, I'll get a switch and setup a small DHCP server that can service the forcedeth machine with an image it can chainload. I didn't get to do anything else today, I'll have to catch up tomorrow. As Stefan said, booting from an USB stick can be a real pain because of the constant dd-ing and moving of the switch from one USB port to another. As he suggested, I'll get a switch and setup a small DHCP server that can service the forcedeth machine with an image it can chainload.
 +Hurray for using gPXE for the first time on a physical machine ^_^
 +==== Day 5 [ Fri 25 Jun 2010 ] ====
 +Only managed to run a couple of tests on Virtual Box today, with console disabled. There was a clear difference in speed with the console disabled but overall speeds increased because of packet interception (my guess). I should investigate this, plus try it with the rtdsc timer.
 +==== Day 6 [ Sat 26 Jun 2010 ] ====
 +==== Day 7 [ Sun 27 Jun 2010 ] ====

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