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soc:2010:andreif:journal:week11 [2010/08/04 11:55]
soc:2010:andreif:journal:week11 [2010/08/09 14:12] (current)
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 The code is still a mess, but it works. Tomorrow I'll remove unnecessary comments and rearrange it a bit. The code is still a mess, but it works. Tomorrow I'll remove unnecessary comments and rearrange it a bit.
 +==== Day 4 [ Thu 5 Aug 2010 ] ====
 +Git commit: [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​andreif/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=17e0dcec786d5d223d7cac173d70117984bb5009|17e0dcec786d5d223d7cac173d70117984bb5009]]
 +Cleaned the decoder code and fixed an memcpy issue which I suspect came from the fact that the source and destination fields were overlapping. Note to self: also try memmove. This still needs some work, but I am anxious to get to the Xen part and make it work, so I'll start working on that tomorrow.
 +==== Day 5 [ Fri 6 Aug 2010 ] ====
 +==== Day 6 [ Sat 7 Aug 2010 ] ====
 +Today I wanted to create a basic Xen setup so I started browsing the Internet for information. After finding several sites I set out to compile the hypervisor from source and found some pre-built dom0 images. At first I struggled with getting the GRUB 2 menu entries correct since there have been some changes since GRUB legacy. Some of these changes affect multiboot images (such as Xen), so I should keep this in mind when I end up making changes. Eventuall I got to a point where the hypervisor booted, but the dom0 kernel had problems in finding the root partition. I'll dig into this tomorrow.
 +==== Day 7 [ Sun 8 Aug 2010 ] ====
 +I fixed yesterday'​s root partition issue by getting a new kernel and generating a new initrd. It booted, but unfortunately the keyboard does not work X| Teh horror.

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