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soc:2009:pravin:notes:start [2009/06/15 07:53]
soc:2009:pravin:notes:start [2009/12/27 06:18] (current)
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-====== ​Pravin Shindeboot.kernel.org Universal remote network booting for the masses ​======+====== ​place to log useful random commands ====== 
 +Useful to find the dependency of given executable on other shared libraries. 
 +===== Useful information ===== 
 +AndyTimBy the way, if you ever get the ^M problem again. 
 + Try following it by a ^J 
 +===== Links to watch-out ===== 
 +  - [[http://​unit.aist.go.jp/​itri/​knoppix/​http-fuse/​index-en.html|HTTP-FUSE-KNOPPIX]] someone has done if before also. 
 +  - [[http://​paste.etherboot.org/?​page=view&id=1239849078]] script to create automatic gpxe bootable USB 
 +===== For Shell script ===== 
 +If you want to terminate execution of a shell script on encounter any error then 
 +set -e 
 ===== Useful git commands ===== ===== Useful git commands =====
Line 13: Line 34:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-For pushing the first master repository from local to empty remote server repository, it can be done with+Adding remote head to cloned repository 
 +git remote add master git+ssh://​pravin@git.etherboot.org//​pub/​scm/​people/​pravin/​BKO.git 
 +For pushing the local master repository from local to remote server repository, it can be done with
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 git push master master git push master master
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Where you are pushing local branch called "​master"​ onto remote branch called "​master"​ Where you are pushing local branch called "​master"​ onto remote branch called "​master"​
 +===== git submoduling =====
 +to register the git submodules
 +git submodule init
 +git submodule update
 +==== git bisect ====
 +This command is quite useful for finding broken commit.
 +Here is the [[http://​jbowes.wordpress.com/​2007/​02/​18/​git-bisect-a-practical-example-with-yum/​|blog]] which mentions how to use it.
 +===== useful commands for qemu =====
 +One can use qemu monitor for debugging.\\
 +Here is the [[http://​en.wikibooks.org/​wiki/​QEMU/​Monitor|wikibook]] for using monitor with qemu.
 ===== Notes ===== ===== Notes =====

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