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soc:2009:pravin:journal:week4 [2009/06/17 05:39]
soc:2009:pravin:journal:week4 [2009/06/25 08:36] (current)
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      - And to make my life more interesting,​ the busybox mount is very particular about the order in which you give parameters :-/.      - And to make my life more interesting,​ the busybox mount is very particular about the order in which you give parameters :-/.
   - One more problem faced was that file mounted by httpfs is read-only and hence can't be mounted by //mount -o loop// command in normal modes. It has to be mounted in read-only mode with option //-o loop -o ro//. (Thanks Andytim for suggestion of using "​dd"​. It helped in locating the bug.)   - One more problem faced was that file mounted by httpfs is read-only and hence can't be mounted by //mount -o loop// command in normal modes. It has to be mounted in read-only mode with option //-o loop -o ro//. (Thanks Andytim for suggestion of using "​dd"​. It helped in locating the bug.)
 +  - One more wired observation : I could not locate the the mount used by dsl by default inside minirt24.gz. I checked the static folder, but it was not there. but when I execute mount, it picks up the default //"​mount"//​ which behaves quite differently than the command //"​busybox mount"//​ which is working for me at end.
 +  - Seperated the http mount related code into //"​mount_http_iso.sh"//​ [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​pravin/​BKO.git;​a=commit;​h=e95e4c43ed8307155926fcbe6967b82492122179|commit here]]
 +  - Created seperate entries for US, EUROPE. [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​pravin/​BKO.git;​a=commit;​h=5cef3ea42f1fef9cf1df113384f8462ef50e5efd|commit here]]
 +==== June - 18 ==== 
 +Spent most of the time in two things. ​
 +  - Getting the modules, executable for 2.6.19 kernel used by knoppix. I am still trying to hunt down fuse.ko which is to be found no-where in entire ISO :-( 
 +  - I was also working on adding more details to BKO homepage, Added following things. ​
 +    - FAQ for BKO. 
 +    - Started to write HOWTO for making BKO bootable USB.
 +==== June - 19 ==== 
 +  - Heard about andytim'​s patch for httpdisk, I was thinking, how is it going to affect me and BKO development.
 +  - Came across link for [[http://​unit.aist.go.jp/​itri/​knoppix/​http-fuse/​index-en.html|HTTP-FUSE-LINUX]] which seems same as what I am doing. It seems that they have done little more than what we have planed. I am not sure how badly this is going to affect BKO.
 +  - Problem in creation of initramfs [[InitramFSBKO]]
 +==== June - 20 ====
 +  - Finally got the Knoppix working on BKO. I have done some basic testing and it seems it is working fine. [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​pravin/​BKO.git;​a=commit;​h=976e5350638ad848e45e549cefa9970eafeb7378|commit hash]]
 +  - Fixed some small bugs in BKO.

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