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soc:2009:pravin:journal:week2 [2009/06/09 21:35]
soc:2009:pravin:journal:week2 [2009/06/10 12:33] (current)
Line 48: Line 48:
 === June - 9 === === June - 9 ===
-  - Getting up rom-o-matic with BKO support on etherboot. done []+  - Getting up rom-o-matic with BKO support on etherboot. done [http://​etherboot.org/​share/​pravin/​BKO/​rom-o-matic/​]
   - Because of some wired reason, even original rom-o-matic code is not producing any output. -- solved, the bin/NIC target was not compiled in and error reporting was turned off.   - Because of some wired reason, even original rom-o-matic code is not producing any output. -- solved, the bin/NIC target was not compiled in and error reporting was turned off.
-  -  The latest gpxe code, and gpxe version used by rom-o-matic,​ both are creating trubble while booting. [[ProbsBKORomOMatic]] +  - The latest gpxe code, and gpxe version used by rom-o-matic,​ both are creating trubble while booting. [[ProbsBKORomOMatic]]
-<​code>​ +
-!PXE entry point found (we hope) at 9C79:039E via plan A. +
-UNDI code segment at 9C79 len 0794 +
-UNDI data segment at 9CF3 len 2CC8 +
-Getting cached packet 01 02PXE API call failed, error 0000+
-Boot failed: press any key to retry, or wait for reset........ +=== June - 10 === 
-</​code>​+  - Trying ​to fix the problem with BKO and Rom-O-Matic integration [[ProbsBKORomOMatic]] 
 +  - Adding DSL to pxeknife [[PxeKnifeDSL]] 
 +  - Trying to boot it over http.
 ==== Few useful links ==== ==== Few useful links ====

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