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soc:2009:pravin:journal:week2 [2009/06/01 10:26]
soc:2009:pravin:journal:week2 [2009/06/10 12:33] (current)
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   - Checkout httpfs, may be it can be used to mount file-system from server http://​httpfs.sourceforge.net/​   - Checkout httpfs, may be it can be used to mount file-system from server http://​httpfs.sourceforge.net/​
 +== My understanding of HTTP boot with HTTPFS ==
 +  - Download the Linux kernel with fuse support ( or insert fuse module later )
 +  - download initramfs with 
 +     - fuse module
 +     - httpfs executable
 +     - Network setup tools and modules script to set root filesystem to the HTTPFS.
 +  - Boot with this setup.
 +It seems I am missing many things here, let me try out [[wiki:​BootOverNFS|booting over NFS]] first
 +== Problems with mounting with httpfs ==
 +Check out [[HttpFSProbs]] for details
 +few worries : 
 +  - If FUSE is used to mount root partition, then when actual user logs in, he may not see any of those files as they are mounted by root.
 +  - Need to find FUSE option which will allow everyone to see the file.
 +  - httpfs program does not accept any option :-(, How can I pass options ?
 +PS: One way out can be that, root mounts iso over HTTP, then uses the local loop to mount that ISO.
 +I guess that, the ISO mounted by root is mounted using normal mount command, and hence should be readable by all.
 +and can also support other mount options if needed. \\
 +I have not done this experiment yet, need to confirm before proceeding on this path.\\
 +Done with this experiment, any user can view files if root remounts the iso file from httpfs with loop. 
 +=== June - 2 ===
 +Done nothing useful, just some random reading ​
 +=== June - 3 ===
 +  - Writing PHP code to support booting and using pxelinux from machines with static IP address.\\
 +  - Stuck with issue of permissions regarding opening files in write mode :-(
 +=== June -4 ===
 +  - Suddenly enlightened by the memory that I have code for rom-o-matic :-)
 +  - Got it running on my machine.
 +  - Wrote and sent the patch so that it will be easy to host rom-o-matic on any machine.
 +  - Patched rom-o-matic is hosted at http://​www.alien.doesntexist.org/​rom-o-matic/​
 +  - Modifying rom-o-matic to support pxeknife [[PxeKnifeRomOMatic]]
 +=== June - 5-6 ===
 +  - Done with pxe-generation for both static and dynamic networks
 +  - modified rom-o-matic code to provide user with option to have add inbuilt BKO support.
 +=== June - 9 ===
 +  - Getting up rom-o-matic with BKO support on etherboot. done [http://​etherboot.org/​share/​pravin/​BKO/​rom-o-matic/​]
 +  - Because of some wired reason, even original rom-o-matic code is not producing any output. -- solved, the bin/NIC target was not compiled in and error reporting was turned off.
 +  - The latest gpxe code, and gpxe version used by rom-o-matic,​ both are creating trubble while booting. [[ProbsBKORomOMatic]]
 +=== June - 10 ===
 +  - Trying to fix the problem with BKO and Rom-O-Matic integration [[ProbsBKORomOMatic]]
 +  - Adding DSL to pxeknife [[PxeKnifeDSL]]
 +  - Trying to boot it over http.
 ==== Few useful links ==== ==== Few useful links ====

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