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soc:2009:pravin:journal:start [2009/05/23 12:11]
soc:2009:pravin:journal:start [2009/10/19 14:51] (current)
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 ====== Pravin (less1): boot.kernel.org - Universal remote network booting for the masses ====== ====== Pravin (less1): boot.kernel.org - Universal remote network booting for the masses ======
 +===== Post GSoC =====
 +  * [[wiki:​Ubuntu910|supporting ubuntu 9.10]]
 +  * [[wiki:​OfficialDebian|Getting official Debian support]]
 +===== Happening Pages =====
 +These are the pages and problems on which I am currently working
 +  - [[BKODebianISCSI|Debian over iscsi]] -- done :-) --
 +  - [[bkodebian|Debian in BKO]] -- almost done, working on improvments --
 +  - [[ubuntubko|ubuntu in BKO]] -- Finally it is working after removing ''​networking''​ and ''​NetworkManager'',​ only ''/​etc/​resolver.conf''​ entry needs a fix --
 +  - [[fedora11bko|Fedora 11 in BKO]] -- Able to boot indirectly after disabling ''​networking''​ and ''​NetworkManager''​ --
 +  - [[dnsissue|DNS issues]] -- Figured out exact issue, listed the possible options --
 ===== Journal ===== ===== Journal =====
-Currently I am keeping all my logs at [[http://​www.etherboot.org/​wiki/​wiki/​user/​less1]]\\ 
-I will shift it here as and when I get time. 
-  * [[.:​week1|Week 1]] 
-=== May 22 === 
-  - Get QEMU + PXE working. [[wiki:​QemuPxe]] -- Done. 
-  - Get QEMU + PXE + HTTP working [[wiki:​QemuPxe]] -- Done . 
-  - Get QEMU + PXEKnife working. [[wiki:​QemuPxeKnife]] -- Done 
-=== May 23 === +  * [[.:​week1|Week 1 [May 23 - 29, 2009] ]] 
-  - Get QEMU + PXEKnife + HTTP working. [[wiki:QemuPxeKnifeHTTPProbs]] [[wiki:QemuPxeKnifeHTTP]] -- Stuck :-( +  ​* [[.:​week2|Week 2 [May 30 June 7, 2009] ]] 
-  - Finally Online PXEKnife over HTTP [[wiki:pxeknifeOverHttp]]+  * [[.:week3|Week 3 [June 8 - 14, 2009] ]] 
 +  * [[.:week4|Week 4 [June 15 - 21, 2009] ]
 +  * [[.:week5|Week 5 [June 22 - 28, 2009] ]
 +  * [[.:​week6|Week 6 [June 29 July 5, 2009] ]] 
 +  * [[.:​week7|Week 7 [July 6 12, 2009] ]] 
 +  * [[.:week8|Week 8 [July 13 19, 2009] ]] 
 +  ​* [[.:​week9|Week 9 [July 20 26, 2009] ]] 
 +  * [[.:week10|Week 10 [July 27 - August 2, 2009] ]
 +  * [[.:​week11|Week 11 [August 3 - 9, 2009] ]] 
 +  * [[.:​week12|Week 12 [August 10 - 16, 2009] ]] 

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