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soc:2009:pravin:journal:dslbko [2009/06/17 12:45]
soc:2009:pravin:journal:dslbko [2009/06/17 13:03] (current)
Line 35: Line 35:
   - Out of which first 20 seconds where taken by gpxe and pxeknife (just as above case)   - Out of which first 20 seconds where taken by gpxe and pxeknife (just as above case)
-===== Run on [[alien.doesntexist.org]] EU =====+===== BKO on [[alien.doesntexist.org]] EU =====
   - It took total of 11 minutes 30 seconds.   - It took total of 11 minutes 30 seconds.
   - Out of which first 24 seconds where taken by gpxe and pxeknife (just as above case)   - Out of which first 24 seconds where taken by gpxe and pxeknife (just as above case)

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