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soc:2009:pravin:journal:dslbko [2009/06/16 23:40]
less1 created
soc:2009:pravin:journal:dslbko [2009/06/17 13:03] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
 qemu -cdrom dsl.iso -net nic -net user qemu -cdrom dsl.iso -net nic -net user
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +===== BKO from local webserver (my laptop) =====
 +  - It took 1 min 10 seconds for qemu to get in working state
 +  - Out of these, first 20 seconds were taken by gpxe itself, in 
 +       - seting up dhcp
 +       - loading initial script
 +       - seting up dhcp again (because script asks)
 +       - Geting pxeknife up
 +Command used for this is
 +$ qemu -fda bin/​gpxe.dsk -net nic,​model=rtl8139 -net user -bootp http://​​pxeknife/​pxeDHCP.gpxe
 +===== BKO on [[rom.etherboot.org]] US =====
 +  - It took total of 28 minutes processing, DSL reached the last stage and crashed :-(
 +  - It crashed after showing up following messages.
 +Running dsl-4.4.10
 +Registering unionfs 1.0.14
 +INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
 +su(pam_unix):​ session opened for user dsl...
 +Using xvesa default .......
 +  - Next attempt, it booted successfully after taking around 45 minutes.
 +  - Out of which first 20 seconds where taken by gpxe and pxeknife (just as above case)
 +===== BKO on [[alien.doesntexist.org]] EU =====
 +  - It took total of 11 minutes 30 seconds.
 +  - Out of which first 24 seconds where taken by gpxe and pxeknife (just as above case)

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