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soc:2009:pravin:journal:bkodebianiscsi [2009/08/10 07:10]
soc:2009:pravin:journal:bkodebianiscsi [2009/09/25 19:37] (current)
Line 211: Line 211:
 The first attempt will be to download the kernel module from Live CD of debian after booting it from CD.\\  The first attempt will be to download the kernel module from Live CD of debian after booting it from CD.\\ 
 --- Doing it --- Doing it
 ===== Working Solution ===== ===== Working Solution =====
 There was need for two extra kernel modules There was need for two extra kernel modules
Line 234: Line 235:
 Most of these errors are related to timing, and I believe that  Most of these errors are related to timing, and I believe that 
 these errors are there because of delays in accessing required data. these errors are there because of delays in accessing required data.
 +===== Target behaviour =====
 +sometimes, you may get following error when logging in with iscsiadm
 +<​code> ​
 +iscsiadm -m node --targetname "​${targetname}"​ --portal "​${ISCSIFS}"​ --login ​
 +records not found!.
 +this is because the ${ISCSIFS} is not IP but dnsname.
 +Dnsname may work with ''​iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p "​${ISCSIFS}"​ ''​
 +but it may verywell fail when same dnsname is given to login.
 +[[http://​groups.google.com/​group/​open-iscsi/​browse_thread/​thread/​c556508505ecc461|mailing list discussion]]
 +==== Solution ====
 +Dont use ''​--portal "​${ISCSIFS}"''​ option, use
 +<​code> ​
 +iscsiadm -m node --targetname "​${targetname}"​ --login ​

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