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soc:2009:pravin:journal:bkodebianiscsi [2009/07/23 06:45]
soc:2009:pravin:journal:bkodebianiscsi [2009/09/25 19:37] (current)
Line 202: Line 202:
 (07/19/2009 04:40:25 PM) stefanha: Otherwise iscsid will not accept commands from the UNIX domain socket. (07/19/2009 04:40:25 PM) stefanha: Otherwise iscsid will not accept commands from the UNIX domain socket.
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-=== Possible ​solutions ​===+=== Possible ​solution : hacking open-iscsi ​===
   ​   ​
 +modified the ''​iscsiadm''​ code so that, it will not fail when username is not ''​root''​.\\
 +With is modification,​ the discovery part is working, but now there is error at login part. Following is the error.
 +connection2:​0:​ Could not create connection due to crc32c loading error. ​ Make sure the crc32c module is build as module into the kernel.
 +The first attempt will be to download the kernel module from Live CD of debian after booting it from CD.\\ 
 +--- Doing it
 +===== Working Solution =====
 +There was need for two extra kernel modules
 +  - libcrc32c.ko
 +  - crc32c.ko
 +Fetched these modules from live-CD and added them.\\
 +There as also need for small sleep after ''​iscsiadm --login''​ as ''/​dev/​sda''​ was taking little time to appear.\\
 +This was handled by adding ''​sleep 2''​\\
 +Two new parameters were introduced
 +  - ''​iscsifs=<​IP:​PORT>'' ​ iscsi server IP and port number
 +  - ''​target=<​targetname>''​ the iscsi target name of the disk (entire name is not needed, some part which can uniquely identify apart from other disks exported at same machine)
 +===== Remote ISCSI =====
 +Following are the errors that I get when connecting to remote iscsi
 +Connection1:​0:​ ping timeout of 5 secs expired, last rx 307737, last ping 308987, now 310237
 +Connection1:​0:​ detected conn error (1011)
 +SQUASHFS error : Unable to read page, block 0x1b392
 +Bus error
 +Most of these errors are related to timing, and I believe that 
 +these errors are there because of delays in accessing required data.
 +===== Target behaviour =====
 +sometimes, you may get following error when logging in with iscsiadm
 +<​code> ​
 +iscsiadm -m node --targetname "​${targetname}"​ --portal "​${ISCSIFS}"​ --login ​
 +records not found!.
 +this is because the ${ISCSIFS} is not IP but dnsname.
 +Dnsname may work with ''​iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p "​${ISCSIFS}"​ ''​
 +but it may verywell fail when same dnsname is given to login.
 +[[http://​groups.google.com/​group/​open-iscsi/​browse_thread/​thread/​c556508505ecc461|mailing list discussion]]
 +==== Solution ====
 +Dont use ''​--portal "​${ISCSIFS}"''​ option, use
 +<​code> ​
 +iscsiadm -m node --targetname "​${targetname}"​ --login ​

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