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soc:2009:pravin:journal:bkodebian [2009/07/16 11:19]
soc:2009:pravin:journal:bkodebian [2009/07/16 12:02] (current)
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 I was thinking about creating seperate initrd with run-init from ubuntu. I was thinking about creating seperate initrd with run-init from ubuntu.
 +===== Reproducing debien environment for ubuntu =====
 +  - Modified the code of ubuntu ''​casper''​ script to support mount ''​filesystem.squashfs''​ instead of ''​.iso'',​ this gives different error when I mount ''​.iso''​. Error is ''​run-init:​ nuking initramfs contents: Directory not empty''​ 
 +  - This is same error that I get when I use ''​.iso''​ with debian. 
 +  - This error was mentioned [[http://​linux.derkeiler.com/​Mailing-Lists/​Debian/​2008-07/​msg01072.html|here]] with solution. But when I tried that solution, it did not worked

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