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soc:2009:pravin:journal:bkodebian [2009/07/08 03:10]
less1 created
soc:2009:pravin:journal:bkodebian [2009/07/16 12:02] (current)
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 I hope that atleast Debian should boot over BKO. After problem from fedora, it is quite de-moralizing as we are having only two working destributions. I hope that atleast Debian should boot over BKO. After problem from fedora, it is quite de-moralizing as we are having only two working destributions.
 +===== Mounting ISO =====
 +    - Just one small issue is that, I have to use squashfs image instead of iso image.
 +    - The problem in using iso image is that, once initrd job is (almost) over, it runs ''/​bin/​run-init''​ which is binary executable, ​
 +       - It tries to remove initramfs filesystem.
 +       - As I am mounting ISO inside initramfs, it also tries to delete this iso, and fails. with this failue the init scripts panics and stop the boot process.
 +===== Booting ubuntu in debien environment =====
 +Added ubuntu target based on filesystem.squashfs instead of .iso in debian menu. So, debiean kernel and debian initramfs tries to use ubuntu filesystem.squashfs. It boots sucessfully but gets confused after some time and keeps doing same thing again and again. It keeps looping inside step Generating locales… and never completes it.
 +=== Solution ===
 +I was thinking about creating seperate initrd with run-init from ubuntu.
 +===== Reproducing debien environment for ubuntu =====
 +  - Modified the code of ubuntu ''​casper''​ script to support mount ''​filesystem.squashfs''​ instead of ''​.iso'',​ this gives different error when I mount ''​.iso''​. Error is ''​run-init:​ nuking initramfs contents: Directory not empty''​
 +  - This is same error that I get when I use ''​.iso''​ with debian.
 +  - This error was mentioned [[http://​linux.derkeiler.com/​Mailing-Lists/​Debian/​2008-07/​msg01072.html|here]] with solution. But when I tried that solution, it did not worked

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