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soc:2009:oremanj:notes:modules [2009/06/29 00:03]
soc:2009:oremanj:notes:modules [2009/07/01 20:12] (current)
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 ===== Interesting Idea: Loading part of gPXE over the network ===== ===== Interesting Idea: Loading part of gPXE over the network =====
-**Update 6/29:** After talking with Michael, I've realized everything the below idea would offer can also be achieved by chainloading a fully-featured gPXE over the network using a minimal ROM-burned gPXE. That simple solution is orders of magnitude easier than implementing proper modularisation,​ and so the below becomes something of a curiosity.+**Update 6/29:** After talking with Michael, I've realized everything the below idea would offer can also be achieved by chainloading a fully-featured gPXE over the network using a minimal ROM-burned gPXE. That simple solution is orders of magnitude easier than implementing proper modularisation,​ and so the below becomes something of a curiosity. ​To it I say: **[[http://​thedailywtf.com/​Articles/​The_Complicator_0x27_s_Gloves.aspx|Gloves!]]**
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