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soc:2009:dverkamp:notes:windows_xp_iscsi [2009/06/08 11:49]
soc:2009:dverkamp:notes:windows_xp_iscsi [2009/06/12 15:46] (current)
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 == Test == == Test ==
-Boot into a Windows XP operating system stored on an iSCSI target ​that requires forward CHAP authentication.+Boot into a Windows XP operating system stored on an iSCSI target.
 == DUT configuration == == DUT configuration ==
-No physical disks present. ​ System configured to boot from NIC equipped with gPXE ROM.  NIC non-volatile storage configured with iSCSI username and password.+No physical disks present. ​ System configured to boot from NIC equipped with gPXE ROM.
 == Environment configuration == == Environment configuration ==
-iSCSI target running IETD set up to require forward CHAP authentication. ​ DHCP server providing network configuration and iSCSI root-path, but not providing iSCSI username and password (which are held in the DUT's non-volatile storage).+iSCSI target running IETD set up to require forward CHAP authentication. ​ DHCP server providing network configuration and iSCSI root-path.
 == Result == == Result ==
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 Now setup is complete; shut down the Windows machine. Now setup is complete; shut down the Windows machine.
 +== iSCSI target setup ==
 +On the iSCSI target machine, edit ''/​etc/​ietd.conf''​ to add a target.
 +  Target iqn.2000-01.test.etherboot.org:​iscsiboot.xp
 +          Lun 0 Path=/​path/​to/​hd.img
 +          IncomingUser testuser userpassword
 +          OutgoingUser testtarget targetpassword
 +Ensure the iSCSI target is running. (ex. Gentoo: ''/​etc/​init.d/​ietd start''​)
 +== Booting with gPXE ==
 +TODO: authentication
 +Create a gPXE script as follows and boot it:
 +  #!gpxe
 +  sanboot iscsi:​my.target.dns.name::::​iqn.2000-01.test.etherboot.org:​iscsiboot.xp
 +(where my.target.dns.name is the DNS name or IP of the machine running the iSCSI target)
 +Windows should boot to the desktop.

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