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soc:2009:dverkamp:notes:start [2009/06/08 08:54]
soc:2009:dverkamp:notes:start [2009/06/19 06:37] (current)
Line 5: Line 5:
 ==== Detailed test cases ==== ==== Detailed test cases ====
-  * [[Linux mkbootfs]] 
-  * [[Linux TFTP]] 
-  * [[Windows iSCSI forward authentication]] 
   * [[Windows XP iSCSI]]   * [[Windows XP iSCSI]]
   * [[Windows PE]]   * [[Windows PE]]
 +  * [[Linux mkbootfs]]
 +=== Unfinished ===
 +  * [[Windows iSCSI forward authentication]]
 +  * [[Windows 7 install to iSCSI]]
 +  * [[Linux TFTP]]
 ==== Potential test cases  ==== ==== Potential test cases  ====

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