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soc:2009:dverkamp:notes:start [2009/05/26 08:02]
soc:2009:dverkamp:notes:start [2009/06/19 06:37] (current)
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 ===== Notes ===== ===== Notes =====
 +==== Detailed test cases ====
 +  * [[Windows XP iSCSI]]
 +  * [[Windows PE]]
 +  * [[Linux mkbootfs]]
 +=== Unfinished ===
 +  * [[Windows iSCSI forward authentication]]
 +  * [[Windows 7 install to iSCSI]]
 +  * [[Linux TFTP]]
 ==== Potential test cases  ==== ==== Potential test cases  ====
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 Success is defined as reaching WinPE'​s ''​X:​\Windows\system32''​ command prompt. Success is defined as reaching WinPE'​s ''​X:​\Windows\system32''​ command prompt.
 +=== iSCSI forward authentication ===
 +== Test ==
 +Boot into a Windows Server 2003 operating system stored on an iSCSI target that requires forward CHAP authentication.
 +== DUT configuration ==
 +No physical disks present. ​ System configured to boot from NIC equipped with gPXE ROM.  NIC non-volatile storage configured with iSCSI username and password.
 +== Environment configuration ==
 +iSCSI target running IETD set up to require forward CHAP authentication. ​ DHCP server providing network configuration and iSCSI root-path, but not providing iSCSI username and password (which are held in the DUT's non-volatile storage).
 +== Result ==
 +Success is defined as reaching the Windows graphical login screen.
 +=== Linux bzImage boot ===
 +== Test ==
 +Boot into a minimal Linux/​busybox system created using [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​mcb30/​mkbootfs.git;​a=summary|mkbootfs]] via HTTP.
 +== DUT configuration ==
 +No physical disks present. ​ System configured to boot from NIC equipped with gPXE ROM.
 +== Environment configuration ==
 +Apache HTTP server providing gPXE script, kernel, initrd, and modules as separate files. ​ gPXE script set to instruct client to download kernel, initrd and relevant modules. ​ DHCP server providing network configuration and path to gPXE script on HTTP server.
 +== Result ==
 +Success is defined as reaching the busybox shell prompt.

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