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soc:2009:dverkamp:journal:week7 [2009/07/06 11:52]
drv created
soc:2009:dverkamp:journal:week7 [2009/07/16 10:55] (current)
drv header formatting
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   * Using the framework provided by the testsuite Perl modules, load the server VM, as well as a test VM using a gPXE image from the tree.   * Using the framework provided by the testsuite Perl modules, load the server VM, as well as a test VM using a gPXE image from the tree.
   * Connect the VMs to a network and allow them to run (eventually with automated collection of the results).   * Connect the VMs to a network and allow them to run (eventually with automated collection of the results).
 +==== Tuesday, July 7 ====
 +Built a simple test server VM (Debian with DHCPD and Apache), saved a snapshot (named "​server3"​ in the following script) and used it to boot a test VM with the testsuite framework:
 +  #​!/​usr/​bin/​perl -w
 +  ​
 +  use Test::​Network::​Vde;​
 +  use Test::​Machine::​Qemu;​
 +  use strict;
 +  use warnings;
 +  ​
 +  my $server = new Test::​Machine::​Qemu;​
 +  my $client = new Test::​Machine::​Qemu;​
 +  ​
 +  my $network = new Test::​Network::​Vde;​
 +  ​
 +  $server->​hdd ( "​server.hd"​ );
 +  $server->​nic ( { type => "​pcnet",​ macaddr => "​52:​54:​00:​12:​34:​57"​ } );
 +  $server->​network ( $network );
 +  ​
 +  $client->​fdd ( "​../​bin/​rtl8139.dsk"​ );
 +  $client->​nic ( { type => "​rtl8139",​ macaddr => "​52:​54:​00:​12:​34:​56"​ } );
 +  $client->​network ( $network );
 +  ​
 +  $server->​load_snapshot ( "​server3"​ );
 +  ​
 +  $server->​run();​
 +  $client->​run();​
 +  ​
 +  <​STDIN>;​

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